The most common scorpions you may find in our State of Arizona include:
– Arizona Bark Scorpion:
Yellowish-tan in color, this long, slender scorpion is one of the most commonly known and of of the most dangerous scorpions native to the state. They are the only species of scorpion capable of vertical climbing, and they can sometimes be found clinging to tree trunks or to the side of home walls. Their venom is fairly strong and can cause painful swelling, muscle spasms and breathing difficulties in humans.
– Arizona Stripetail Scorpion:
The most common scorpion in the state, these yellowish scorpions are found to have prominent dorsal stripes. They are usually less than three inches in length and have a less potent venom than bark scorpions.
– Arizona Giant Hairy Scorpion:
As the name would suggest, these are very large scorpions, measuring up to 5 or 6 inches long. In fact, they are the largest scorpion in the country. These scorpions are generally dark in color, they are covered with dense hair. Although they are large and intimidating, they are not particularly dangerous to humans. They primarily feed on pests like smaller scorpions and centipedes, and they are rarely found in the home.
– Yellow Ground Scorpion:
Similar in appearance to the bark scorpion, these slender yellowish scorpions are easy to mistake for the other type. They are however less dangerous, and they do not climb vertical surfaces.
All scorpions glow a pale green when seen under a blacklight or when viewed at night with a blacklight flashlight. One of the best ways to find scorpions is to use a blacklight flashlight on a dark, otherwise unlit night. The glow of the scorpion will alert you to its presence and give you an idea of how many may be in the area.