As common pests, ants are frequently seen as more of a nuisance than a real problem. However, if their populations get out of hand, they can pose a major threat to property and even to human safety.
Everyone knows that ants are fierce protectors of their colonies, and once they take up a strong hold on your property, it will be hard to convince them to leave. They have a job to do, and that is to multiply and proliferate by birthing and feeding their young, architect a safe colony for their brood, and to protect their colony at all costs. In the meantime, as they complete their life's mission, they may be causing a high level of damage to the structure of your home or commercial business property environment. For this reason, ants have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better.
Carpenter ants in particular can have a devastating effect on buildings due to their tunneling behavior. They are very good at creating tunnels, but like any structural marvel above ground, ant tunnels are filled with air, not stabilizing concrete. Therefore, the miles of tunnels that an ant colony can create will one day collapse, they just have to! Like termites, carpenter ants can degrade your home’s structural integrity over time.
Other ant species are less physically destructive but can pose a threat to your pets, children or other family members due to their aggression and venom. Although ant bites are not deadly, they can be painful, and some people are allergic to them. Ants are also notorious for swarming into any available food source, potentially contaminating pet food, pantry items and more.
Once ants, or rather one ant, finds a way into your food reserves, they will tell their friends. Don't be surprised when you find the telltale line of ants coming to and fro from a natural food source left out on your counter, a sticky area of something sweet that was left or spilled on the floor, or the flour or sugar jug set carefully in the pantry - they will find it and we will be there to help you get rid of this pest once and for all!
Overson Pest Control has an expert team dedicated to controlling and eliminating ants and other common Arizona insects. If you have discovered signs of an ant infestation in your home or yard, contact us today for a free service estimate or to ask any questions you may have about eliminating these irritating pests! We are your Mesa pest control company, and we are standing by now to answer your questions regarding an ant problem that you may be experiencing.
We are here for you 24/7. Our highly trained technicians are ready to come to you at the first sign of trouble when you find ants taking up residence at your home or office environment. There is no time like the present to get rid of an ant problem. Give us a call today, we are here for you 24/7.